Litigation Courses


Depositions of Lay Witnesses

Depositions are often overlooked as one of the most important parts of litigation. An effective deposition is one that can not only prepare you properly for cross examination at trial, but can also help resolve a case before it even reaches trial.

In this course, you will learn how to better prepare for and take more effective depositions of lay/fact witnesses. Our experienced instructor will demonstrate how to highlight important issues in your case, as well as the best ways to prepare and then extract information from the witness without alerting them to the significance of your questioning. You will learn how to develop, formulate and execute lines of questioning while thinking on your feet and building up your case as the deposition progresses.

Depositions of Expert Witnesses

An effective expert deposition is one that can not only prepare you properly for cross-examination at trial but also help resolve a case before it even reaches trial.

In this course, you will learn how to better prepare for and take more effective depositions of expert witnesses. You will learn how to better attack an expert’s bias and credibility. This course will show you how to go beyond the ordinary strategy and successfully implement and understand “Daubert” or “Fry” standards to challenge an expert’s credentials before he/she even steps into the courtroom.

Presenting Substantive Motions.

Arguing substantive motions is a common practice in litigation. However, a number of attorneys take this practice for granted or overlook the value a powerfully presented motion can have on a case.

In this course you will learn how to enhance your oral argument skills in the presence of a judge. This course will provide you with key tools to present substantive motions on the record. You will learn how to properly formulate and structure your argument while being mindful of your limited time with the court. This lesson will focus on how to highlight the standards of review, analogous case law, rebuttal, and distinguishing less favorable case law.

It is highly recommended to pair this course with our Deposition lecture*


Alternative Dispute Resolution

Arbitration or mediation can be a cost-effective way to resolve a pending case. This lesson will demonstrate how to create and execute a more efficient and persuasive presentation.

This course will take you through the arbitration/mediation process. From an effective and timely opening statement, to the proper way to negotiate on your client’s behalf, our experienced instructor will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to vigorously litigate your case.

It is highly recommended to pair this course with our Opening Argument lecture*

Evidence (Basic)

The rules of evidence are essential when it comes to trial. This course will review the basic rules that will allow you to preserve the record for a potential appeal, object timely and correctly, and properly introduce evidence.


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